forked from OpenPDU/openpdu
current reading test
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
# [board1]
# type = i2c-out
# address = 20
# address = 0x27
# channels = 8
# bus = 1
# bus = 0
# [board2]
# type = i2c-current
# address = 0x48
# channels = 4
# bus = 0
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ startpower = 1
# [outlet3]
# board=1
# channel=1
# currentboard=2
# currentboardchannel=1
# description = MailServer
# [outlet4]
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ import json as JSON
from bottle import route, run, template
import smbus2
#import math
#from numpy import mean, sqrt, square
from numpy import mean, sqrt, square
@ -81,7 +80,16 @@ def index(outlet):
out = theOutlet.getpower()
return JSON.dumps({'powerstatus':out,'outlet':outlet})
def index(outlet):
o = [o for o in _outlets if o.outletnum==outlet]
if len(o) != 1:
msg = 'wrong outlet number: %s' % str(outlet)
return JSON.dumps({'message':msg})
theOutlet = o[0]
out = theOutlet.getcurrent()
return JSON.dumps({'current':out,'outlet':outlet})
@ -247,6 +255,8 @@ class Outlet(object):
|||| = int(channel)
self.description = 'Outlet # %s' % self.outletnum
self.startpower = startpower
self.currentboard = None
self.currentboardchannel = None
def init(self):
@ -262,6 +272,17 @@ class Outlet(object):
def getpower(self):
return self.board.getpower(
def getcurrent(self):
if self.currentboard is None:
return 0
return self.currentboard.readcurrent(self.currentboardchannel)
def setcurrentboard(self, boardnum, channel):
b = [b for b in _boards if b.boardnum==int(boardnum)]
self.currentboard = b[0]
self.currentboardchannel = channel
def toJSON(self):
status = self.board.getpower(
return {'outlet':self.outletnum,'description':self.description,'board':self.board.boardnum,'channel','powerstatus':status}
@ -292,54 +313,96 @@ class BoardI2Ccurrent(object):
raise OSError('Cannot access I2C. Please ensure I2C is enabled')
self._bus = smbus2.SMBus(self.bus)
self.my_zero = 19920
self.num_samples = 100
def toJSON(self):
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'i2c-current','channels':self.channels,'address':self.address}
def _readvalue(self, channel):
# 0 = no effect / 1 = start a single conversion
cfg_OS = 1
# multiplexer configurations:
cfg_chan = 0b100
if channel == 0:
# AIN0 -> GND
cfg_chan = 0b100
elif channel == 1:
# AIN1 -> GND
cfg_chan = 0b101
elif channel == 2:
# AIN2 -> GND
cfg_chan = 0b110
elif channel == 3:
# AIN3 -> GND
cfg_chan = 0b111
# unused multiplexer configurations:
# 0b000 AIN0 -> AIN1
# 0b001 AIN0 -> AIN3
# 0b010 AIN1 -> AIN3
# 0b011 AIN2 -> AIN3
def _readvalue():
config = 0b1110000011000011
self._bus.write_word_data(self.address, 0x01, config)
while True:
d1 = self._bus.read_word_data(self.address, 0x01)
if d1 == config:
d1 = self._bus.read_word_data(self.address, 0x00)
msb = d1 & 0x00FF
lsb = d1 & 0xFF00
val = msb << 8 | lsb >> 8
return (val - self.my_zero) >> 4
# gain amplifier configuration
# 000 = +- 6.144 V
# 001 = +- 4,096 V
# 010 = +- 2,048 V
# 011 = +- 1,024 V
# 100 = +- 0,512 V
# 101 = +- 0,256 V
# 110 = +- 0,256 V
# 111 = +- 0,256 V
cfg_amplifier = 0b000
def setpower(self, channel, power):
old_data = data = self.getdata()
mask = 1 << channel
data &= ~mask
if self.inverted:
power = not power
if power:
data |= mask
if old_data != data:
self.next_refresh = 0
return self._bus.write_byte_data(self.address, 0x09,data)
# 0 = continuous conversion / 1 = single-shot or power-down
cfg_mode = 0
def getpower(self, channel):
data = self.getdata()
d = ( data >> channel ) & 1
c = 0 if self.inverted else 1
return d == c
# data rate
# 000 = 128 sps
# 001 = 250 sps
# 010 = 490 sps
# 011 = 920 sps
# 100 = 1600 sps
# 101 = 2400 sps
# 110 = 3300 sps
# 111 = 3300 sps
cfg_sps = 0b110
# 0 = traditional comparator / 1 = window comparator
cfg_comp = 0
def getdata(self):
now = time.time()
if now > self.next_refresh:
|||| = self._bus.read_byte_data(self.address, 0x0A)
self.next_refresh = now + self.lifetime_sec
# 0 = comparator active low / 1 = comparator active high
cfg_comp_pol = 0
def init(self):
return self._bus.write_byte_data(self.address, 0x00, 0x00)
# 0 = comparator non-latching / 1 = comparator latching
cfg_comp_latch = 0
# comparator queue and disable
# 00 = assert after one conversion
# 01 = assert after two conversions
# 10 = assert after three conversions
# 11 = disable comparator
cfg_comp_queue = 0b11
config = cfg_OS << 15 | cfg_chan << 12 | cfg_amplifier << 9 | cfg_mode << 8 | cfg_sps << 5 | cfg_comp << 4 | cfg_comp_pol << 3 | cfg_comp_latch << 2 | cfg_comp_queue
self._bus.write_word_data(self.address, 0x01, config)
while True:
d1 = self._bus.read_word_data(self.address, 0x01)
if d1 == config:
d1 = self._bus.read_word_data(self.address, 0x00)
msb = d1 & 0x00FF
lsb = d1 & 0xFF00
val = msb << 8 | lsb >> 8
return (val - self.my_zero) >> 4
def readcurrent(self, channel):
samples = []
for i in range(1,self.num_samples):
v = self._readvalue(channel)
rms = sqrt(mean(square(samples)))
return rms
@ -366,6 +429,11 @@ for s in boardsConfigParser.sections():
bus = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'bus')
b = BoardI2COut(boardnum=num, channels=channels, address=address, bus=bus, inverted=inverted)
elif bType=='i2c-current':
address = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'address')
bus = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'bus')
b = BoardI2Ccurrent(boardnum=num, channels=channels, address=address, bus=bus)
elif bType=='dummy':
filename = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'filename')
b = BoardDummy(boardnum=num, channels=channels, filename=filename)
@ -384,11 +452,24 @@ for s in outletsConfigParser.sections():
startpower = int('0' + outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'startpower')) == 1
o = Outlet(outletnum=num, boardnum=boardnum, channel=channel, startpower=startpower)
o.description = description
if outletsConfigParser.has_option(s,'currentboard') and outletsConfigParser.has_option(s,'currentboardchannel'):
currentboard = outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'currentboard')
currentboardchannel = int(outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'currentboardchannel'))
o.setcurrentboard(currentboard, currentboardchannel)
run(host='', port=5000)
for sec in range(1,100):
for outlet in range(0,4):
o = [o for o in _outlets if o.outletnum==outlet]
if len(o) != 1:
msg = 'wrong outlet number: %s' % str(outlet)
print JSON.dumps({'message':msg})
theOutlet = o[0]
out = theOutlet.getcurrent()
print JSON.dumps({'current':out,'outlet':outlet})
print "---"
#run(host='', port=5000)
Reference in New Issue
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