#!/bin/sh echo echo "Taking a new snapshot" CONFIG_PATH=/data/options.json NUM_SNAPSHOTS=$(jq --raw-output ".num_snapshots" $CONFIG_PATH) if [ $NUM_SNAPSHOTS -lt 1 ] ; then NUM_SNAPSHOTS=1 fi # retrieve current snapshot list CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS=$( curl -s -H "X-HASSIO-KEY: $HASSIO_TOKEN" http://hassio/snapshots ) STATUS=$(echo "$CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS" | jq --raw-output '.result') if [ ! "$STATUS" = "ok" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Can't retrieve current snapshot list." exit 1 fi # take snapshot (this can take a long time) START_TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%s") RESULT=$( curl -s -H "X-HASSIO-KEY: $HASSIO_TOKEN" --data '{"name":"Automatic Snapshot"}' -X POST http://hassio/snapshots/new/full ) SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%s") SNAPSHOT_TIME=$(echo "$SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP - $START_TIMESTAMP" | bc) # check if snapshot is ok STATUS=$(echo "$RESULT" | jq --raw-output '.result') if [ ! "$STATUS" = "ok" ] ; then echo "Snapshot FAILED after $SNAPSHOT_TIME seconds." exit 1 fi SLUG=$(echo "$RESULT" | jq --raw-output '.data.slug') echo "Snapshot $SLUG taken SUCCESSFULLY in $SNAPSHOT_TIME seconds." # housekeeping: # we take the list of snapshots (which was taken before this snapshot) # we sort by date (reversed), remove the protected snapshots and take # only a list of slugs # then we skip the first NUM_SNAPSHOTS slugs and delete all the rest FIRST_SLUG_TO_DELETE=$(echo "1 + $NUM_SNAPSHOTS" | bc) echo $CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS | jq --raw-output ".data.snapshots | sort_by(.date) | reverse[] | select(.slug != \"$SLUG\") | select (.protected==false) | .slug " | tail -n +$FIRST_SLUG_TO_DELETE | while read SLUG_TO_DELETE do echo "Removing snapshot $SLUG_TO_DELETE" curl -s -H "X-HASSIO-KEY: $HASSIO_TOKEN" -X POST http://hassio/snapshots/$SLUG_TO_DELETE/remove done