# docker-ftps Simple container for FTP+TLS+authentication ## build ```bash docker build . -t my-ftps ``` ## run ```bash docker run -d --name my-ftps \ -p 21:21 -p 20:20 -p 50000-50500:50000-50500 \ -e "MASQUERADE=ftp.mydomain.com" \ -v "$PWD/auth:/auth" -v "$PWD/ftpdata:/home" \ -v "$PWD/certs:/certs" \ my-ftps ``` The *MASQUERADE* parameter is the only required one. You can use an IP address (which is discouraged) or a DNS name. You must provide valid certificates for TLS; if you use Lets'Encrypt, you can mofify like this: ```bash docker run -d --name my-ftps \ -p 21:21 -p 20:20 -p 50000-50500:50000-50500 \ -e "MASQUERADE=ftp.mydomain.com" \ -v "$PWD/auth:/auth" -v "$PWD/ftpdata:/home" \ -v "/etc/letsencrypt/live/ftp.mydomain.com:/certs" \ my-ftps ``` ## users management To change/set a password, do like this (replace "paolo" with the correct username): ```bash docker exec -ti my-ftps ftpasswd --passwd --name=paolo --uid=1000 --home=/home/paolo --shell=/bin/false --file=/auth/passwd ``` You also have to create and chown the user's home folder.