354 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
354 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import argh
from argh import arg
from subprocess import call
import re
import glob
import time
import ConfigParser
import json as JSON
VERSION = '0.1.2'
boardsDefaults = {'inverted':False}
outletsDefaults = {'description': 'Generic outlet','startpower':False}
_boards = []
_outlets = []
def version():
'show program version and quit'
return 'OpenPDU version %s - Copyright (C) 2018 by Paolo Asperti.' % VERSION
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def boards(json=False):
'dump boards configuration'
if json:
b = [board.toJSON() for board in _boards]
return JSON.dumps({'boards':b})
b = ''
for board in _boards:
b += board.toSTR()
return '\nBoards:\n' + b
def initboards():
'initialize boards'
for board in _boards:
def initoutlets():
'initialize outlets'
for outlet in _outlets:
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def outlets(json=False):
'dump outlets configuration'
if json:
o = [outlet.toJSON() for outlet in _outlets]
return JSON.dumps({'outlets':o})
o = ''
if len(_outlets)>0:
for outlet in _outlets:
o += outlet.toSTR()
return '\nOutlets:\n' + o
@arg("outlet", help="outlet number")
@arg("onoff", help="1=on [everything else]=off")
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def setpower(outlet, onoff, json=False):
'enable or disable power to an outlet'
o = [o for o in _outlets if o.outletnum==outlet]
if len(o) != 1:
msg = 'wrong outlet number: %s' % str(outlet)
print JSON.dumps({'message':msg}) if json else msg
theOutlet = o[0]
status = (onoff == '1')
out = theOutlet.setpower(status)
if out is None:
msg = "Cannot set power status for outlet %s" % outlet
return JSON.dumps({'message':msg,'outlet':outlet}) if json else msg
pwrstr = 'on' if out==1 else 'off'
msg = "Outlet #%s powered %s" % (outlet, pwrstr)
return JSON.dumps({'powerstatus':out==1,'outlet':outlet}) if json else msg
@arg("outlet", help="outlet number")
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def getpower(outlet, json=False):
'get outlet power status'
o = [o for o in _outlets if o.outletnum==outlet]
if len(o) != 1:
msg = 'wrong outlet number: %s' % str(outlet)
print JSON.dumps({'message':msg}) if json else msg
theOutlet = o[0]
out = theOutlet.getpower()
pwrstr = 'on' if out else 'off'
msg = "Outlet #%s powered %s" % (outlet, pwrstr)
return JSON.dumps({'powerstatus':out,'outlet':outlet}) if json else msg
class BoardDummy(object):
channels = []
def __init__(self, boardnum, channels=None, filename=None):
self.boardnum = boardnum
if channels is None:
self.channels = 1
self.channels = int(channels)
self.parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
self.filename = filename
if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
with open(self.filename, 'wb') as theFile:
for c in range(0,self.channels):
self.parser.set('STATUS', 'channel%s' % c, '0')
def toJSON(self):
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'dummy','channels':self.channels}
def toSTR(self):
return ' Board %s\n Type: dummy\n Channels: %s\n\n' % (self.boardnum,self.channels)
def setpower(self, channel, power):
p = '1' if power else '0'
s = self.parser.set('STATUS', 'channel%s' % channel, p)
with open(self.filename, 'wb') as theFile:
return self.parser.write(theFile)
return False
def getpower(self, channel):
s = self.parser.get('STATUS', 'channel%s' % channel)
return int(s)==1
def init(self):
# MCP23008
class BoardI2COut(object):
data = 0
next_refresh = 0
lifetime_sec = 2
def __init__(self, boardnum, channels=None, address=None, bus=None, inverted=False):
self.boardnum = boardnum
if channels is None:
self.channels = 0
self.channels = channels
if address is None:
self.address = 0x20
self.address = address
if bus is None:
self.bus = 1
self.bus = bus
self.inverted = inverted
if not glob.glob('/dev/i2c*'):
raise OSError('Cannot access I2C. Please ensure I2C is enabled')
def toJSON(self):
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'i2c-out','channels':self.channels,'address':self.address}
def toSTR(self):
return ' Board %s\n Type: i2c-out\n Channels: %s\n Address: %s\n\n' % (self.boardnum,self.channels,self.address)
def setpower(self, channel, power):
old_data = data = self.getdata()
mask = 1 << channel
data &= ~mask
if self.inverted:
power = not power
if power:
data |= mask
if old_data != data:
self.next_refresh = 0
return os.popen("/usr/sbin/i2cset -y %s %s 0x09 0x%s" % (self.bus, self.address, format(data, '02x'))).read()
def getpower(self, channel):
data = self.getdata()
d = ( data >> channel ) & 1
c = 0 if self.inverted else 1
return d == c
def getdata(self):
now = time.time()
if now > self.next_refresh:
self.data = int(os.popen("/usr/sbin/i2cget -y %s %s 0x0A" % (self.bus, self.address)).read(),0)
self.next_refresh = now + self.lifetime_sec
return self.data
def init(self):
call(["/usr/sbin/i2cset", "-y", self.bus, self.address, "0x00", "0x00"])
class BoardGpioOut(object):
gpios = []
def __init__(self, boardnum, channels=None, gpios=None, inverted=False):
self.boardnum = boardnum
if channels is None:
self.channels = 0
self.channels = int(channels)
self.inverted = inverted
if not isinstance(gpios, list):
print 'No gpios specified for gpio board %s' % self.boardnum
if len(gpios) != self.channels:
print 'Wrong number of gpios specified for gpio board %s' % self.boardnum
self.gpios = [int(gpio) for gpio in gpios]
def toJSON(self):
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'gpio-out','channels':self.channels}
def toSTR(self):
return ' Board %s\n Type: gpio-out\n Channels: %s\n\n' % (self.boardnum,self.channels)
def setpower(self, channel, power):
io = self.gpios[channel]
fn = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio%s/value' % io
f = open(fn,'w')
if self.inverted:
power = not power
out = '1' if power else '0'
return f.write(out)
def getpower(self, channel):
io = self.gpios[channel]
fn = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio%s/value' % io
f = open(fn,'r')
e = f.read()
power = int('0'+e) == 1
if self.inverted:
power = not power
return power
def init(self):
for gpio in self.gpios:
if not os.path.isdir('/sys/class/gpio/gpio%s/' % gpio):
fn = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio%s/direction' % gpio
class Outlet(object):
def __init__(self, outletnum, boardnum, channel, startpower=False):
self.outletnum = int(outletnum)
b = [b for b in _boards if b.boardnum==int(boardnum)]
self.board = b[0]
self.channel = int(channel)
self.description = 'Outlet # %s' % self.outletnum
self.startpower = startpower
def init(self):
def setpower(self, power):
if self.board.getpower(self.channel) == power:
return power
return None
def getpower(self):
return self.board.getpower(self.channel)
def toSTR(self):
status = self.board.getpower(self.channel)
return ' Outlet %s\n Description: %s\n Board #: %s\n Channel: %s\n Power Status:%s\n\n' % (self.outletnum,self.description,self.board.boardnum,self.channel,status)
def toJSON(self):
status = self.board.getpower(self.channel)
return {'outlet':self.outletnum,'description':self.description,'board':self.board.boardnum,'channel':self.channel,'powerstatus':status}
boardsConfigParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(defaults=boardsDefaults)
boardsConfigFile = '/etc/openpdu/boards.conf'
if os.path.isfile(boardsConfigFile) and os.access(boardsConfigFile, os.R_OK):
for s in boardsConfigParser.sections():
if re.match('^board.*',s):
bType = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'type')
num = int(re.sub(r'^board','',s))
inverted = int('0' + boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'inverted')) == 1
channels = int(boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'channels'))
if bType=='gpio-out':
gpios = []
for g in range(0,channels):
gpios.append(int(boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'channel%s' % g)))
b = BoardGpioOut(boardnum=num, channels=channels, gpios=gpios, inverted=inverted)
elif bType=='i2c-out':
address = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'address')
bus = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'bus')
b = BoardI2COut(boardnum=num, channels=channels, address=address, bus=bus, inverted=inverted)
elif bType=='dummy':
filename = boardsConfigParser.get(s, 'filename')
b = BoardDummy(boardnum=num, channels=channels, filename=filename)
outletsConfigParser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(defaults=outletsDefaults)
outletsConfig = '/etc/openpdu/outlets.conf'
if os.path.isfile(outletsConfig) and os.access(outletsConfig, os.R_OK):
for s in outletsConfigParser.sections():
if re.match('^outlet.*',s):
num = int(re.sub(r'^outlet','',s))
description = outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'description')
boardnum = outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'board')
channel = outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'channel')
startpower = int('0' + outletsConfigParser.get(s, 'startpower')) == 1
o = Outlet(outletnum=num, boardnum=boardnum, channel=channel, startpower=startpower)
o.description = description
parser = argh.ArghParser()
parser.add_commands([setpower, getpower, outlets, boards, initboards, version, initoutlets])
# dispatching:
if __name__ == '__main__':