module('select2(data)'); var $ = require('jquery'); var Select2 = require('select2/core'); var Options = require('select2/options'); test('single default selection returned', function (assert) { var $select = $( '' ); var options = new Options({}); var select = new Select2($select, options); var items =; assert.equal( items.length, 1, 'The one selected item should be returned' ); var first = items[0]; assert.equal(, '3', 'The first option was correct' ); assert.equal( first.text, 'Three', 'The first option was correct' ); }); test('multiple default selections returned', function (assert) { var $select = $( '' ); var options = new Options({}); var select = new Select2($select, options); var items =; assert.equal( items.length, 2, 'The two selected items should be returned' ); var first = items[0]; assert.equal(, 'One', 'The first option was correct' ); var second = items[1]; assert.equal(, '3', 'The option value should be pulled correctly' ); }); module('select2(val)'); test('single value matches jquery value', function (assert) { var $select = $( '' ); var options = new Options({}); var select = new Select2($select, options); var value = select.val(); assert.equal( value, '3', 'The value should match the option tag attribute' ); assert.equal( value, $select.val(), 'The value should match the jquery value' ); }); test('multiple value matches the jquery value', function (assert) { var $select = $( '' ); var options = new Options({}); var select = new Select2($select, options); var value = select.val(); assert.equal( value.length, 2, 'Two options should be selected' ); assert.deepEqual( value, ['One', '3'], 'The values should match the option tag attribute' ); assert.deepEqual( value, $select.val(), 'The values should match the jquery values' ); });