/* Usage: $ phantomjs --remote-debugger-port=9001 --remote-debugger-autorun=yes debug.js page.html Open Chrome tab to http://localhost:9001/; open second link (ie, path to page.html) */ var system = require('system' ), fs = require('fs'), webpage = require('webpage'); (function(phantom){ var page=webpage.create(); function debugPage(){ console.log("Refresh a second debugger-port page and open a second webkit inspector for the target page."); console.log("Letting this page continue will then trigger a break in the target page."); debugger; // pause here in first web browser tab for steps 5 & 6 page.open(system.args[1]); page.evaluateAsync(function() { debugger; // step 7 will wait here in the second web browser tab }); } debugPage(); }(phantom));