module('Keyboard Navigation 2011', { setup: function(){ /* Tests start with picker on March 31, 2011. Fun facts: * March 1, 2011 was on a Tuesday * March 31, 2011 was on a Thursday */ this.input = $('<input type="text" value="31-03-2011">') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .datepicker({format: "dd-mm-yyyy"}) .focus(); // Activate for visibility checks this.dp ='datepicker'); this.picker = this.dp.picker; }, teardown: function(){ this.picker.remove(); } }); test('Regression: by week (up/down arrows); up from Mar 6, 2011 should go to Feb 27, 2011', function(){ var target; this.input.val('06-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 0); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 6)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 6)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); // Navigation: -1 week, up arrow key this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 38 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 27)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 6)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 27)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'February 2011', 'Title is "February 2011"'); }); test('Regression: by day (left/right arrows); left from Mar 1, 2011 should go to Feb 28, 2011', function(){ var target; this.input.val('01-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 0); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 1)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 1)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); // Navigation: -1 day left arrow key this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 37 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 28)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 1)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 28)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'February 2011', 'Title is "February 2011"'); }); test('Regression: by month (shift + left/right arrows); left from Mar 15, 2011 should go to Feb 15, 2011', function(){ var target; this.input.val('15-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 0); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); // Navigation: -1 month, shift + left arrow key this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 37, shiftKey: true }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 15)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'February 2011', 'Title is "February 2011"'); }); test('Regression: by month with view mode = 1 (left/right arrow); left from March 15, 2011 should go to February 15, 2011', function () { this.picker.remove(); this.input = $('<input type="text" value="15-03-2011">') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", minViewMode: 1, startView: 1 }) .focus(); // Activate for visibility checks this.dp ='datepicker'); this.picker = this.dp.picker; this.input.val('15-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 1); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 37 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2011, 1, 15)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'February 2011', 'Title is "February 2011"'); }); test('Regression: by month with view mode = 1 (up/down arrow); down from March 15, 2011 should go to July 15, 2010', function () { this.picker.remove(); this.input = $('<input type="text" value="15-03-2011">') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", minViewMode: 1, startView: 1 }) .focus(); // Activate for visibility checks this.dp ='datepicker'); this.picker = this.dp.picker; this.input.val('15-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 1); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 40 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 6, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2011, 6, 15)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'July 2011', 'Title is "July 2011"'); }); test('Regression: by year with view mode = 2 (left/right arrow); left from March 15, 2011 should go to March 15, 2010', function () { this.picker.remove(); this.input = $('<input type="text" value="15-03-2011">') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", minViewMode: 2, startView: 2 }) .focus(); // Activate for visibility checks this.dp ='datepicker'); this.picker = this.dp.picker; this.input.val('15-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 2); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 37 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2010, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2010, 2, 15)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2010', 'Title is "March 2010"'); }); test('Regression: by year with view mode = 2 (up/down arrow); dows from March 15, 2011 should go to March 15, 2015', function () { this.picker.remove(); this.input = $('<input type="text" value="15-03-2011">') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", minViewMode: 2, startView: 2 }) .focus(); // Activate for visibility checks this.dp ='datepicker'); this.picker = this.dp.picker; this.input.val('15-03-2011').datepicker('update'); equal(this.dp.viewMode, 2); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2011', 'Title is "March 2011"'); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); equal(this.dp.focusDate, null); this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 40 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2015, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.dates.get(-1), UTCDate(2011, 2, 15)); datesEqual(this.dp.focusDate, UTCDate(2015, 2, 15)); target = this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch'); equal(target.text(), 'March 2015', 'Title is "March 2015"'); });