added outlet configuration

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Asperti 2018-02-17 16:56:42 +01:00
parent d143a4603c
commit 5e25bd6bb2
2 changed files with 72 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
# [board0]
# out0 = 1
# out1 = 2
# out2 = 3
# out3 = 7
# out4 = 8
# out5 = 9
# out6 = 11
# out7 = 12
# channel0 = 1
# channel1 = 2
# channel2 = 3
# channel3 = 7
# channel4 = 8
# channel5 = 9
# channel6 = 11
# channel7 = 12
# type = gpio-out
# channels = 8

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import json as JSON
defaults = {}
boards = []
_boards = []
_outlets = []
def version():
@ -19,50 +19,55 @@ def version():
return 'OpenPDU version %s - Copyright (C) 2018 by Paolo Asperti.' % VERSION
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def dumpcfg(json=False):
'dump configuration'
def boards(json=False):
'dump boards configuration'
if json:
b = [board.toJSON() for board in boards]
b = [board.toJSON() for board in _boards]
return JSON.dumps({'boards':b})
b = ''
for board in boards:
for board in _boards:
b += board.toSTR()
return '\nBoards:\n' + b
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def outlets(json=False):
'dump outlets configuration'
if json:
o = [outlet.toJSON() for outlet in _outlets]
return JSON.dumps({'outlets':o})
o = ''
if len(_outlets)>0:
for outlet in _outlets:
o += outlet.toSTR()
return '\nOutlets:\n' + o
@arg("board", help="board number")
@arg("out", help="out number")
@arg("outlet", help="outlet number")
@arg("onoff", help="1=on [everything else]=off")
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def setpower(board, out, onoff, json=False):
'enable or disable power to a socket'
b = [b for b in boards if b.boardnum==int(board)]
if len(b) != 1:
print 'wrong board number: %s' % str(board)
theBoard = b[0]
if int(out)>int(theBoard.channels)-1:
print 'wrong out number: %s, board has %s channels (0..%s)' % (str(out),str(theBoard.channels),str(int(theBoard.channels)-1))
def setpower(outlet, onoff, json=False):
'enable or disable power to an outlet'
o = [o for o in _outlets if o.outletnum==int(outlet)]
if len(o) != 1:
print 'wrong outlet number: %s' % str(outlet)
theOutlet = o[0]
status = (onoff == '1')
return theBoard.setpower(int(out),status)
return theOutlet.setpower(status)
@arg("board", help="board number")
@arg("out", help="out number")
@arg("outlet", help="outlet number")
@arg('-j', '--json', help="output in json")
def getpower(board, out, json=False):
'get socket power status'
b = [b for b in boards if b.boardnum==int(board)]
if len(b) != 1:
print 'wrong board number: %s' % str(board)
def getpower(outlet, json=False):
'get outlet power status'
o = [o for o in _outlets if o.outletnum==int(outlet)]
if len(o) != 1:
print 'wrong outlet number: %s' % str(outlet)
theBoard = b[0]
if int(out)>int(theBoard.channels)-1:
print 'wrong out number: %s, board has %s channels (0..%s)' % (str(out),str(theBoard.channels),str(int(theBoard.channels)-1))
return theBoard.getpower(int(out))
theOutlet = o[0]
return theOutlet.getpower()
@ -86,12 +91,6 @@ class BoardI2COut(object):
self.address = address
def dumpcfg(json=False):
if json:
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'i2c-out','channels':self.channels,'address':self.address}
return 'Board %i\nType: i2c-out\nChannels: %i\nAddress: %i' % (self.boardnum,self.channels,self.address)
def toJSON(self):
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'i2c-out','channels':self.channels,'address':self.address}
@ -120,12 +119,6 @@ class BoardGpioOut(object):
print 'Wrong number of gpios specified for gpio board %s' % self.boardnum
self.gpios = [int(gpio) for gpio in gpios]
def dumpcfg(json=False):
if json:
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'gpio-out','channels':self.channels}
return 'Board %i\nType: gpio-out\nChannels: %i ' % (self.boardnum,self.channels)
def toJSON(self):
return {'boardnum':self.boardnum,'type':'gpio-out','channels':self.channels}
@ -146,11 +139,27 @@ class BoardGpioOut(object):
return int( == 0
class Outlet(object):
def __init__(self, outletnum, boardnum, channel):
self.outletnum = int(outletnum)
b = [b for b in _boards if b.boardnum==int(boardnum)]
self.board = b[0] = int(channel)
self.description = 'Outlet # %s' % self.outletnum
def setpower(self, power):
return self.board.setpower(,power)
def getpower(self):
return self.board.getpower(
def toSTR(self):
status = self.board.getpower(
return ' Outlet %s\n Description: %s\n Board #: %s\n Channel: %s\n Power Status:%s\n\n' % (self.outletnum,self.description,self.board.boardnum,,status)
def toJSON(self):
status = self.board.getpower(
return {'outlet':self.outletnum,'description':self.description,'board':self.board.boardnum,'channel','powerstatus':status}
@ -176,18 +185,25 @@ for s in configParser.sections():
channels = int(configParser.get(s, 'channels'))
gpios = []
for g in range(0,channels):
gpios.append(int(configParser.get(s, 'out%s' % g)))
gpios.append(int(configParser.get(s, 'channel%s' % g)))
b = BoardGpioOut(boardnum=num, channels=channels, gpios=gpios)
elif bType=='i2c-out':
channels = int(configParser.get(s, 'channels'))
address = configParser.get(s, 'address')
b = BoardI2COut(boardnum=num, channels=channels, address=address)
if re.match('^outlet.*',s):
num = int(re.sub(r'^outlet','',s))
description = configParser.get(s, 'description')
boardnum = configParser.get(s, 'board')
channel = configParser.get(s, 'channel')
o = Outlet(outletnum=num, boardnum=boardnum, channel=channel)
o.description = description
parser = argh.ArghParser()
parser.add_commands([setpower, getpower, dumpcfg, version])
parser.add_commands([setpower, getpower, outlets, boards, version])
# dispatching: